Mr. Date appointed as a special advisor to Playknot Inc.

Playknot (Representatives and Directors: Takumi Honjyadate/Kyoei Yamaguchi, hereafter referred to as “the Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Akira Date as a special advisor. By combining the consulting resources for DX and marketing strategies held by Playknot with Mr. Date’s experience in leading longstanding and innovative technology development in the cosmetics industry, the Company aims to achieve gradual business growth.


  • Background of the Appointment

In the cosmetics industry, the introduction of virtual makeup services utilizing AR technology is progressing. By utilizing AR-based virtual makeup at physical stores, it is possible to reduce time and effort, and make it easier for customers to touch up their makeup. Furthermore, implementing online cosmetic trial functions can improve the purchase rate even in the growing trend of online shopping.

Thus, there are many areas in the cosmetics industry where XR technology can be utilized, and by combining the XR products and experience owned by Playknot with Mr. Date’s knowledge in the skincare industry, the company aims to accelerate the utilization of XR technology in the skincare industry.


  • Profile of Mr. Date

Akira Date is the President and CEO of CID B-tech Corporation. He graduated from the Graduate School of Medicine at Kyoto University with a master's degree of medical science, and hold a doctorate in engineering and a pharmacist license separately. He has worked at major U.S. consumer goods manufacturers for many years, where he engaged in basic
research, dermatological research, skin measurement technology, image diagnosis, cosmetic technology and product development, innovation design, technical marketing, branding, and contributed to the development of international brands' business and the overseas expansion of domestic and Western brands. He also has experience in industry-academia collaboration projects and open innovation projects with numerous companies. After that, he served as vice
president and scientific medical director of a French pharmaceutical company’s Japanese subsidiary. He has over 30 years of experience in the consumer goods and cosmetics industry, with cross-organizational innovation development as his specialty.
Currently, he serves as President and CEO of CID B-tech Corporation. He also serves as a scientific and technical advisor, advisor, etc. for bio-ventures in Japan, the United States, Europe, and Asia, as well as major chemical and food companies both domestically and internationally, promoting innovation in the field of science and business. He is also an external lecturer at graduate schools such as Kyoto University and Keio University, promoting innovation in science and business.



  • Comment on assumption of office

I believe that playknot, a company that provides development and consulting services for XR (AR/VR/MR), is a company with great potential, as it approaches XR policy implementation support as a one-stop service from upstream to downstream. Currently, many different companies and organizations are expecting the potential of the metaverse. The metaverse will continue to evolve as it diversifies. We want to be involved with playknot and develop and grow as a company with a strong presence from the perspective of agility, creativity, flexibility, fusion, and design.
The metaverse, a virtual space, may one day be able to reproduce even the five senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) through further innovation. In the current metaverse that can be experienced in VR space or games, vision and hearing are mainly used, but we expect that smell, taste, and touch will also be reproduced eventually. In that world, it will be possible to feel online information more as a real experience, and not only can we expect real experiences, but also further new business opportunities that expand not only in the marketing field but also in the manufacturing industry in Japan, and we hope to contribute to the world from Japan.


  • Company Overview

Company name: Playknot Inc.
Representatives: Takumi Motoyashiki/Kyohei Yamaguchi
Established: June 2021
Business:Playknot provides development and consulting services for XR (AR/VR/MR) technology. We offer one-stop support for the introduction of XR policies from upstream to downstream, and we support the optimal use of XR for each case based on DX and marketing strategies, rather than focusing solely on XR itself.
Contact:, Contact person: Mr. Yamaguchi